Shop the Show Q&A with Mat Sanders

This summer, we’re partnering with several of our Shop the Show alumni from past seasons to discuss essential finds for today’s new, home-oriented lifestyles from brands you can shop at Atlanta Market. Over the coming weeks, join us for useful tips from fellow retailers and designers on how to adjust in these challenging times, inspirational creative projects, and strategies designed to move the home industry ahead to the future.



Mat channeled his talents at decorating, crafting and performance into creating The Quarantine Craft Club (@the.qcc) on Instagram, helping others to activate their inner child and stay creative at home, one week at a time. What’s his advice for those who would like to foster that kind inner creativity right now?
“Quarantine is all about using the time afforded to us by the world slowing down and investing in yourself. Make a list of 10 lives you secretly wished you lived. Got it? Now choose one and do something this week toward that goal. It can be as small as taking an online dance class, but you’ll be surprised at the motivation you’ll find in connecting with your inner creativity.”


His Best Advice on Creating a Functional Home Workspace
“Get a good ring light for your computer! People that excel on video conferences will rise to the top in the new world. Why not look your best!”


Where Are We Headed, Design-Wise?
“As we have fewer people over for socializing, people are starting to rethink their spaces to work for them. I rearranged my apartment so that it worked for my new daily life. I moved my desk next to the window, put my second sofa in storage, and turned my dining room into a gym!”


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